Prescriber Pharmacy Alert - Fraudulent ePrescriptions purportedly written.

Prescriber Pharmacy Alert - Fraudulent ePrescriptions purportedly written by Dr Premjeet SINGH Prescriber #2058302 (NSW based prescriber)
Queensland state-wide:
A Pharmacy Alert is in place throughout the state of Queensland. Queensland Health's Medicines Compliance is aware of a number of alleged unlawful ePrescriptions in the name of Dr Premjeet SINGH, if you are presented with any ePrescriptions in Dr Premjeet SINGH's name it is highly recommended that you contact the prescribing doctor to confirm the legitimacy of the ePrescription.

  • Name of alert: Prescriber Pharmacy Alert - Fraudulent ePrescriptions purportedly written by Dr Premjeet SINGH (Prescriber #2058302) (NSW based prescriber)
  • Area of alert: State-wide
  • Name of prescriber: Dr Premjeet SINGH
  • PBS number of prescriber: 2058302
  • Contact number and email of prescriber/medical practice: (02) 6583 2555
    For more information visit here